How many times have you cooked your kabobs or skewers, or anything else, and they get stuck to your cooking surface? And when you pull them off, you lose a good chunk of it to the grill or pan? Maybe you've even flung a few pieces of food across the room because it was fighting you on the way up, and when the piece that's stuck finally rips off, the food in your hand goes up faster than a middle school boy trying to impress his crush when the teacher asks, "which one of you strong kids can help me carry this desk across the room?". Well now you can leave those juvenile problems behind you when you level up your grill game with these ALCAN Non-stick BBQ Buddy Aluminum Trays!
- Non-stick so your food lifts right off! You won't have to lose any bits to the pan
- Saves time on any tedious clean-up that you just don't have the time for
- Protects against flames - no grease fires here!
- Keep food from falling through your barbecue grates
- Protects food during long grilling times - and if you accidentally forget about it for a while... we've all been there